No. IT546 This is one of the handsomest tables In our line. For massiveness and solidity there is nothing to equal it. It is made of solid oak throughout. The top is 42x42 inches when closed. Has five turned and fluted 6-ihch legs of beautiful design, fitted with improved ball bearing casters. Shipping weight, 225 pounds.
Price, 6-foot table.......$ 7.95
Price, 8-foot table........................... 8.90
Price, 10-foot table............................ 9.85
Price, 12-foot table........................... 10.80
No. 1T552 Same table as No. 1T546, but with pound top, extra, $1.00.
Be sure to state length of table desired.
144 More Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue 1902 No. 112 Furniture Images Available
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Source: 1902 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue No. 112