Sears 1902 Glass Door Top Two Piece Cupboard

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Image of Sears 1902 Glass Door Top Two Piece Cupboard

Sears 1902 Glass Door Top Two Piece Cupboard

1902 Sears & Roebuck Co. Product No. 1T792 Description & Price

Our Two-Piece Cupboard. No. 1T793 This Cupboard is made in two pieces, the upper part containing shelves and glass doors; can be removed if desired. Nicely finished in golden oak; has two drawers and a roomy cupboard. Panels, drawers and top handsomely carved. Can be used in dining room for crockery or as a china closet. It is 7 feet high and 42 inches wide; the base is 20 inches deep and the upper part 15 inches deep, leaving a shelf on top of the base 6 inches wide, which is very convenient. Weigbt, 150 pounds. Shipped dlrect from onr factory in Northeastern Indiana.


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Source: 1902 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue No. 112